Gina Marie D.
Cari Wright
“I have since been working with Cari for over a year and have watched myself transform physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My health in general feels better than it has at any other time in my life. The severe fatigue I was experiencing has greatly diminished and I now have the energy to once again do the things I love such as hiking, biking, and just about anything out doors. One of my key complaints when I started working with Cari was my digestion, which is an issue, which has plagued me since birth. I no longer have a two-page list of foods I must avoid in order to function. There are still a few key items I may always have to avoid but I have seen vast improvement. I would like to say I feel like my old self again, but that is completely inaccurate. I feel like someone new. Emotional blocks that had kept me stuck in life have moved so I feel freer in myself and happier than I knew was possible. Even though I now live out of state, Cari and I continue to work together and I continue to notice improvement. It is so much the work that I have done with her that has assisted me to move on along my path to where I now find myself. To embark on this journey is a personal commitment, one you will likely thank yourself for, for the rest of your life!”
– Gina Marie D., North Carolina