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Two Harbors, MN

We welcome you to experience what it feels like to thrive on your healthcare journey and in the presence of the Mineral Kingdom.  With a full selection of pure, live-source, whole-food supplements and complex homeopathy as well as a full-service medical spa (including Massage, CranioSacral Therapy & Clay Therapies), we thrive providing effective, natural options and technical excellence supported by the intuitive arts. We respect your health care journey and will match your readiness.

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Stone Listening

I listen to the stones and offer suggestions and yet the real magic of this equation is your willingness to show up, speak up clearly and consciously, and responsibly engage your spirit with the unique healing support of the mineral kingdom as an expression of the Beloved’s innate divinity and unconditional love for you and your spiritual development.  You are the miracle, of course, again and again, capable of endless miracles. The stones are a vehicle for that mission and a bridge to spirit, union, and the divine.

This is a great opportunity to sit with the stones and listen to what they have to offer you from the perspective of the Mineral Kingdom.  This is also typically referred to as a “reading” in other circles.  No purchase of stones is required, rather it's an opportunity to sit with all of them simultaneously while you are the focus and priority, and then we see what and who speak up.  Listening with the Stones appointments are available at an hourly rate.  The Happy Crystal Shop is open by appointment only and we request at least 24 hours advanced notice.  Stone Listenings can be done in the shop or over the phone.

Some Context

My purpose is to act as a bridge to enhance an individual's experience of his/her own inner knowing, wisdom and intuition. I have the ability to match people with stones.  People and the stones love this; so my job is fun!  Intuitive Listening is a skill we all have.  I am ever amazed and delighted by the deeper conversations activated by conscious human intent and the vibrational response this activates from the mineral kingdom.  

Stones are a consistent vibrational signature made by God to remind us of what is true.  They offer a consistent healing vibration, felt deep within our bones, resonating with our native biological, elemental design while reaching into and expanding our awareness of our deepest quiet spaces.  They act as bridges to a person’s spirit and truest self. I believe “God,” the Beloved, the Creator, created them for this very reason.  The bible and sacred texts speak of the sacredness of stones going back to ancient times.  At the entrance to the shop I have a quote by Margaret Mead, “Sometimes the only available transportation is a leap of faith.”  At The Happy Crystal Shop, we invite all who enter here to leave their lack at the door and bridge to union and joy, by baby steps or leaps. You choose, of course.

I remember my first tangible experience of stones as steady and healing. It was many years ago.  I was driven by anxiety, back then. It was deeply challenging for me to feel secure or comfortable in my body. This meant I was always living in my head; I had a very hard time focusing and maintaining a healthy perspective. My dear friend put a stone gently in my hand and walked away.  As I felt it, from the spaces deep inside me something began to happen.  The void, the place that was always unsettled, quietly and instantly filled. For a moment, I paused. Everything softened and blossomed in recognition.

“This is what Trust feels like,” was all I could say as the recognition of forgotten abilities came warmly back to my awareness. 

I could tangibly feel trust in my heart, for the first time in conscious memory.  Strange as it may sound, it was as if something, once known, but long forgotten, was rediscovered. In that moment, trust became a real and true possibility for me.  I consider these holy experiences of everyday life.  To experience trust, to call it forward in my mind and recognize it as a reality in my body– amazing!  It changed everything.

In my experience, deep healing is the restoration of simple things, the basics: trust, love and hope. Yet, on a practical level, the human involved is blocked and simply does not remember how to trust, to love openly, to hope.  As consistent vibrational signatures, the mineral kingdoms hold these vibrations: this is trust, this is unconditional love, this is hope.  In this sense, they wait for us to remember. The invitation becomes “now feel it in your body and allow your self to relax into the experience so it can expand and awaken your awareness.”  This is how the transformation of pain and fear takes place; this is how stones act as sacred bridges of Creation’s love.  They can show us the way, yet we must consent to remember and open ourselves beyond our comfort zone. 

I fear that there is a silent epidemic of spiritual suffering going unaddressed in our country today. What are we without our ability to get calm and quiet, to reach for and believe in something bigger than ourselves and trust? When I hold a stone in my hand, I feel God’s intent in one of the clearest ways I can experience. When I felt that stone in my hand, and it whispered so perfectly, “I am trust” to my body, mind, and spirit, I had a living model, a vibrational mentor, to remind me of what I already knew but had forgotten.  In my experience, working with nature and stones easily replaced years of therapy.  By connecting with the Mineral Kingdom and nature I began to recall and re-member– as in, to come back together (the fractured parts of myself) after a time of separation.  It was the beginning of a whole new chapter.

Thrilling! It was as if I shifted gears and got my CNS regulating properly by calming the constant over-stimulation of fight or flight.   My intuition expanded and I began to identify healthy expressions of energy and consciously choose to expand on those, instead of the anxious, fear-based energies of my past. Stones are physical, concrete examples of abstract concepts.  This is how they bridge!  This is how we can be taught by the mineral kingdom.  Each stone offers something different.  Based on your clear choice and humble intent; the conversation gets narrowed from 3000 stones to one.  This is what we offer at The Happy Crystal Shop.

Stones act as a bridge, much like an act of prayer or meditation, to connect to your Source, Union, the heartbeat of Creation itself.   In this way you too may remember/re-member more of who you really are beyond your personality. It is when you align with your Source, the Beloved, that your purpose and the deeper meaning of the life you’re living is revealed.  It is not something that can be figured out, it must be experienced. There is no force in this equation, just free, clear choice based on the truth of your own heart. Recently, I was reminded that God speaks to us in quiet wisdom. Stones exemplify this.  My hope for everyone is that they connect to and are fueled by their sacred Source, every moment of every day.  

When I experienced Trust through that stone, all those years ago, my awareness of the languages of the Creation opened.  The Ethers Element, the Holy Spirit itself,  the creative force which moves through all things, touched the vast Void within me and began to shift from a space of lack and fear to new levels of joy, honesty and healing momentum.  My anxiety levels, once so high, have been greatly influenced by the mineral kingdom and today I live a full, thriving life: healthy, well-rounded, productive and joyful. 

I say this for you as well as myself.   When I experience sharing like this, it seems to start an empowering conversation that expands the deeper it goes and the more rooted and clear it becomes.  From this, a community is born that aligns and grows peace within and beyond.